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Company Director Pensions 

Our Pensions Specialists help company directors fund their pensions in a tax-efficient manner and invest it wisely.

Company Director Pensions

At Verity Financial Consultants, we have dedicated Director Pensions and retirement Consultants to help our executive and directorship clients extract, manage and invest funds from their business via pensions.

A Director Pension is a pension set up by an employer for executives or key employees of the company. The pension is set up under a trust and typically the employer will act as the trustee.

An Executive Pension is a tax efficient way for you to set aside money for when you retire as well as being a tax efficient way for your employer to provide you with employee benefits. In addition to employer contributions, you may be able to contribute up to 40% of your income (depending on your age) into your Director Pension and claim tax relief.

With an Executive Pension both employees and employers can make contributions. The ultimate value of your pension plan will depend on the contributions made over the years and the investment return the funds have achieved in your Executive Pension. 

Company directors have substantial funding opportunities and can invest vast sums into their pension regarding past service, current tax year contributions and if planned correctly, significant tax-free retirement lump sums.


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      • The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
      • If you invest in these funds you may lose some or all of the money you invest.
      • Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.
      • These funds may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.
      • Withdrawals and switches from funds investing directly or indirectly in property may be deferred for up to 6 months.
      • Withdrawals and switches from all other funds may be deferred for up to 3 months.