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Pensions & Retirement Planning

Our Pension experts will help you plan for your retirement by listening to your goals and putting a plan in place to achieve them.

Pensions & Retirement Planning

Your retirement may seem like a long way off, but it is never too early to start a Pension. Smart planning for your retirement will ensure that when you do retire you can maintain the standard of living you have become used to. 

Our Pension Specialists will help ensure that you have the right Pension that is best suited for you based on your circumstances. They will guide you in making informed decisions which will help ensure your pension to achieve it’s maximum potential.

 There are a number of different Pension options that may be available to you:


Personal pension plans are designed for people who don’t have a pension scheme through work and who want to set aside money themselves. In particular, a personal pension plan would suit people who are either self-employed or have no pension through their employment.


An executive pension is a pension set up by employers for executives or key employees of the company. It is a tax efficient for you to set aside money for when you retire as well as being an efficient way for your employer to provide you with employee benefits.


Your retirement may seem like a long way off, but it’s never too early to start planning. Smart planning for your retirement will ensure that when you do retire you can maintain the standard of living you have become used to.


I have moved jobs a couple of times over the years, how do I keep track of my pensions?


On retirement you have a number of options. Usually you will be able to take part of your pension fund as a tax-free lump sum. You can use the remainder of your retirement fund to provide an income.


We have engaged the services of a qualified Pension Trustee Practitioner (PTP) who can assist and advise clients of our firm in relation to defined contribution occupational pension schemes.